Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Back from Berlin
Friday, July 09, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Henry's Woman in Leeds
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I'm really looking forward to visiting the art show from Skipping with Bacon who are a group of Leeds University art students. It opens on Wednesday April 21st and runs until May 4th.
Check out their blog for further details:
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Eser Afacan
Now look at Eser's paintings - http://www.afacan.com/
Sunday, April 04, 2010
The Berlin Slideshows

This is the door to the Galerie Kunstleben rooms in Berlin-Schöneberg where we had the exhibition in February. It ran from 13 - 27 February and Dai passed away on February 25th.
I've not been able to paint much during March so I've read and written and made slideshows.
Soon I will paint again. Meanwhile I walk round the pictures in my mind, trying to understand things, looking for the truth.
Last night I had an important dream. I realised something I already knew. It was this: There is no objective truth. There is only subjective truth. Should I have written there are only subjective truths? Science is an attempt to merge them.
'Truth has many faces and each one alone is a lie...'
Thursday, March 18, 2010
IN MEMORY OF DAI HARDING 10.01.1950 - 25.02.2010

I can't even think about a picture without thinking of Dai. I can't pick up a brush or a pencil.
We walk through a world full of pictures even though we are often blind on the surface and we use images again when we dream.. Pictures and music are the oldest forms of communication, transporters of original visions ... Dai changed my life, opened my eyes, made me laugh, raved on about his beloved Gaynor and Sam, knew every technical trick known to man, had huge knowledge of art and artists, had very definite ideas but was still somehow gentle with people.
Oh what a man.... what an amazing man... what a friend... the things he saw! Painting and music poured out of him - he had to create, he had no choice. His mind bounced out new ideas, poems, writing, music and of course the silent pictures, the pictures with their silent music - in his words 'waiting for any looker to pass by and pay attention, to listen'. It's not only Wales will miss him.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Art Works

Have been thinking a lot about Berlin and the people there - and Leeds and future exhibitions. I've renamed 'paintings' in the title as 'art works'. Because it does. For everyone I think, everyone who practises it, it's not just for me that it works.